Sweet Exorcist is an installation and performance based on spiritual eviction held at the Weil Gallery, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, TX in 2015. The systematic classification of a familial archive, the maintenance of ancestral safety buoys and the adjustment of hybrid musical instruments drive the sounding rhythm of photo based sculpture exploring the absence of a concrete linear foundation.

The installation is composed of four dominant sculptural elements that form the backdrop for a performance work that engages students of Texas A&M in the art and music departments. Billboard size announcement boards layered with wheat pasted family archives, a mausoleum floor made from safety rubber, a shallow house façade wedged against the wall giving space to cubicle like structures and a wall built from head-shaped safety buoys share the space with a series of documents suspended from clotheslines. This range of elements transports the viewers into a realm pregnant with performative evidence that resonates between spiritual redemption and sterile passage. A mass performance takes place opening night involving the classifying and certification of anagraphic documents, upkeep around collective legacies and sound exultation.